Two days in and we were still getting an instability in the network. Note the mismatch in the local and global poppy counts at each station. One colleague suggested data garbage management, another suggested WiFi interference from the other two networks in the space. I decided to fly the router and connect the CPUs via Ethernet to test the latter… Read more →
Category: SowReap
stress test install
The day after Labor Day, 2013, Andre and I went in to install the game for a stress test. With Ben, Tommy, and Esteban returned to their respective colleges Andre and I surmised that the latest build had been 8-16-8. We could not get a stable WiFi LAN with the older Linksys router. The university’s WiFi renewed its IP addresses… Read more →
The MacSpa Tech Video Blog 01 – The Sweat Collaborative
September 16, 2013 For our first video blog post, we were excited to be invited by the Sweat Collaborative, championed by Rafael Fajardo to a preview of their latest project. The Sweat Collaborative has been producing innovative and challenging game-as-art pieces for over 14 years now. Our own Miguel A. Tarango was a key member of the first Sweat Collaborative.… Read more →
Stress Test 00
Andre and I set up the play stations for a first systemic stress test. It froze in under 12 hours Read more →
12 Progress Report
Andre has continued to research alternative middleware and hardware. He has OpenTSPS recognizing a rapid backhand gesture (think ping pong) in a way that is rock solid. He has been also looking at hardware packages, including IR cameras, that may provide us with robust alternatives to the Kinect sensors. And, he has been investigating contextual, event-driven, audio that would add… Read more →
Some ideas for kinect orientation in the fuse box
We liked the last one the best Read more →
Poppy swaying in breeze experiment
Your browser does not support the video tag Read more →