Found this article in the New Yorker magazine that puts a crazy twist in the path of any war on drugs, and which gives some nuance to any story about poppies: For as long as humans have been farmers, we have been drinkers. Wild yeast was the first microorganism that we domesticated, more than ten millennia ago. But archaeologists believe… Read more →
Landscape and Gamespace in Latin American Videogame Design | Colección Patricia Phelps de Cisneros
our early videogames, Crosser & La Migra, are included in the scholarship of Phillip Penix-Tadsen in his forthcoming book: Cultural Code: Video Games and Latin America (Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2016). His article: Landscape and Gamespace in Latin American Videogame Design, is now up on the website of the Colección Patricia Phelps de Cisneros and offers a glimpse of his… Read more →
poppies found on stretch your limbs tumblr
stretch your limbs. attribution needs to be found for this beautiful image. I just found it today. It reinforces for me the potential beauty we might be able to achieve through a large scale implementation of Sow/Reap. Read more →
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André Blyth’s game is the cover for the first issue of a new zine about Art and Games and Not Games! tumblr_nk5ancSZJT1u2eavfo1_500.jpg 500×709 pixels. Read more →
Interview: Sony Announces End of CCD Sensor Production – Allied Vision Technologies
We have been looking at a variety of industrial IR cameras as potential replacements for the Kinect 1.0 in Sow/Reap. The consumer technologies have become so unstable as to make them reliable only for short projects. Longer term projects, those with years long development times, or those that aspire to be enduring once complete, will need material resources that are… Read more →
SWEAT | Sow/Reap “Demake”
Use the arrow keys to move and the space bar to plant poppy seeds.
The Men Who Haunted Me as a Child in Colombia –
A long-read editorial in the New York times about the FARC, the 50 years long insurgency in Colombia, and the promise (or hope) for a peace that can last. The insurgency has been fought over economic inequality, and has been funded — in part — by the production and trade of narcotics. The lion’s share of demand for these narcotics… Read more →
How Afghanistan Vets Are Trying To Cultivate Peace Through Saffron : The Salt : NPR
National Public Radio shares a story of a newly formed company hoping to create a fair-trade export market for saffron in Afghanistan, as an alternative to poppies. It will be worthwhile keeping an eye on their efforts. Below is an excerpt from NPR’s blog: The idea for the fledgling company came about in March 2013, when Army veteran Kimberly Jung… Read more →
Bruce Sterling and Crossy Road
Bruce Sterling asks of Crossy Road “Why is a Frogger knock off a big hit in 2014?” This is an interesting question. My son Diego and I have been playing Crossy Road for a couple of weeks now, and I hadn’t made the — now obvious — connection that Sterling has. I now have to think about Crossy Road… Read more →
Currents 2015 New Media Festival
We have submitted Sow/Reap for consideration to the Currents 2015 New Media Festival in Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA. Fingers crossed!!!! Our materials can be found on our Currents 2015 Submission page Read more →