Well the raspberry pi is armv6 so Unity can’t even build for it…. This is really an unfortunate mix. The pi has the GPU, but lacks the CPU and android support. The beaglebone black has the CPU and the android support but lacks the GPU. I’ve been looking around incessantly trying to figure out how you can set the GPU/CPU… Read more →
Tag: RaspberryPI
BeagleBone Black with Ubuntu | Robotic Controls
The BeagleBone Black is a very powerful and affordable microcontroller – superior to an Arduino Uno in a lot of ways. It’s fast enough to be used as a desktop computer, yet it has more pinouts than an Uno. With the BeagleBone Black priced at $45, it’s really a great value compared to an Arduino ($35) or even a Raspberry… Read more →
Setting up Raspberry Pi for Xtion and Kinect
_Using Win32DiskImager (for windows) _downloaded 2012-08-16-wheezy-raspbian from website ( http://www.raspberrypi.org/downloads ) _burnt the image onto a 16Gb Class 10 (up to 95MB/s) Sandisk Extreme Pro card _Powerup the Pi using a 5V 1Amp supply _Note: Italics is what is typed into the Pi shell or added to scripts/code…. via: mewgen.com Read more →
Xtion + OpenNI + Raspberry Pi – YouTube
Raspberry Pi + Playstation PS3 Eye Streaming
by Elegor » Sun Jun 03, 2012 5:31 pm Just managed to get my PS3 Eye camera working with the Pi, so thought I’d share how it’s done in Debian. The following steps will get the camera and Pi working together as a simple motion detection device with a web stream that you can view on your local network:1. Install… Read more →
Raspberry Pi Thermal imaging or Nightvision?
by KevinO » Sat May 25, 2013 10:24 pm PrimeSense sensor has a infrared camera on it that works with the raspberry pi using openNI. Here is a shot of the sensors streaming. All three sensors displayed. http://forums.trossenrobotics.com/gallery/files/8/6/6/6/sensors.jpg Here is a video of it on my robot. via Raspberry Pi • View topic – Thermal imaging/ Nightvision?. Read more →
unity on a raspberry pi? – Unity Answers
No, the Linux Export feature cannot be used for the Rasberry Pi because the Rasberry Pi uses ARM architecture and we will only be exporting for Linux on x86 and amd64 architectures from Unity. via unity – on a raspberry pi? – Unity Answers. Read more →
Raspberry Pi – Kinect depth stream doesn’t work
by ZuLuuuuuu » Thu May 23, 2013 6:41 am Hello, I installed freenect onto my Raspberry Pi with 2013-02-09-wheezy-raspbian. But when I try to run my program -which is a very simple program to test whether it works, source code is below- the depth stream does not seem to be working (depth callback is never called) although there are no… Read more →