Tag: model

Spaceteam: Cooperative iPhone and iPad Party Game

A cooperative shouting game for phones and tablets ** Apple and Android devices can now play together over Wifi! Hooray! ** Do you like pushing buttons and shouting at your friends? Do you like discharging Clip-jawed Fluxtrunions? If you answered yes, or no, then you might have what it takes to be on a Spaceteam! Features: Teamwork An untimely demise… Read more →


Ghost via Creative Applications uses OpenNI, Open Frameworks, Open Sound Control, and bespoke code to recognize, capture, remember and re-present viewers as ghosts in a snowy landscape. When a visitor is detected, the camera moves towards them, choosing from a set of close up camera positions. If no visitors interact with the piece, the camera switches into wide shots of… Read more →

Crowd gaming for kids and other playful spirits: Project progress

Found a project attempting some similar things. The creator (Tommy Paaske Hansen) gave up on the OpenCVSharp+Kinect direction in favor of some Sony PS3eye cameras: Also the PS3Eye cameras that I’m using (and the kind people over at codeLaboratories: http://codelaboratories.com/ have spend alot of time doing drivers for), did not work well in the OpenCvSharp port… That is, I was… Read more →