Watch: A Kinect-Powered Orchestra You Conduct by Waving Your Hands | Wired Design |

The project, created by Simon de Diesbach, Jonas Lacôte, and Laura Perrenoud, involves one conductor, one Kinect, and up to 24 laptops each loaded with a single sample. Those fragments, which can be selected from a preloaded library or snapped up from an in-the-works crowdsourced platform, are triggered purely by the movements of the conductor’s hands. Each instrument is mapped to a section of 3-D space — move your hands through them and the samples play; hold a hand in one zone and that computer will continue to play with increasing volume. It’s a chance to see how easy — or, probably, how hard — it really is to do the job, though in this case the system was designed with harmonious output in mind. “No special skills are required to make a great performance,” the students explain. “Anyone could do it.”

via Watch: A Kinect-Powered Orchestra You Conduct by Waving Your Hands | Wired Design |